Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Happenings

I thought I'd brief everyone a little on the goings on behind the scenes. I'm well on my way to finishing the new template for the site (it's very similar, but allows for some new types of layout) and I've got all the new pages and business logic worked out, it's now a matter of some implementation and a then little data transfer work and the new version should be up and running.

What will actual change?
Basically you're just going to see a little update to the design. You'll now be logged in on your machine until you click logout (via an encoded cookie) and you'll finally be able to update your user information and contact info. Oh, and a spiffy new calendar that lets you see when new episodes of your shows (or all the shows) are going to air.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Minor Updates

Made a couple of minor site flow updates and bug fixes and changed the layout of "My Page" to better hold the new Recently Watched list.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

New Shows Calendar

Eventually tvolt will have it's own calendaring functions, but until that day comes check out this site. It's a pretty awesome dynamic calendar of new episodes.

Monday, January 17, 2005


I added a new "Recently Watched" list to My Page that shows just the shows you've watched in the last 14 days (based on when you marked the show watched, not it's air date). This page could use some reorganization now, but I wanted to get this functionality out there and I still have some more work to do on the new backend/login functionality and the new page templates. So for now it is what it is.

I also added the number of users who've watched each show to the Most Watched list and increased the Newest Shows list from 5 to 10 entries.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Adding Lots of Episodes

I just added all 30 seasons of Saturday Night Live and I realized the tremendous advantage I have over everyone else because I can import Excel spreadsheets. I know there are a lot of people out there who have added a ton of episodes so far and I want to make it as easy as possible, so if you want to know how to properly format a spreadsheet so that I can import it into the database send me an e-mail at I'll make sure to mark all the entries to your account so that your stats will increase as well.

Thanks again to everyone who's involved in this project. I have a lot of plans for new features, including a major overhaul of the backend I'll be implementing this week.